Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Biggest Loser

So, I feel like I should be losing more...but that's okay. It's coming off, just very slowly and I do already feel better since I'm putting all that crap into my body. Starting today I'm going to attempt to wean off of caffiene. I drink way too much of it so.... one Diet Mt Dew a day for me. Once I am used to that I'll think about cutting that back.

Alison is now braving taking steps on her own. Before we had to "trick" her to get her to walk and now she does it on her own. She can get only about 2 maybe 3 steps before she topples over but the fact that she is trying is a big deal!! She's being brave...that's got to be scary for a little kid. She is growing this new "attitude" also. She has a very very shrill, painful scream she does when she wants something and then she'll just sit and stare at you like as if to say "if you don't do it I'm going to scream again".

I've noticed her Daddy's chin coming out in her too. Every here and there I'll catch a glimpse of her and there is Ben's chin. Her Grandma Reynolds says she thinks she is getting Ben's nose also. She's got my eye color...Ben's hair color (so far, I know these things can change). She seems to have Ben's sense of humor!! She laughs all the time, and THIS of course is a good thing ;)

Her one year birthday is coming up fast. I will be getting invitations out soon ;)

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