Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost Christmas!

I'm so excited for Christmas this year. Alison is still not old enough this year to get it but I'm still excited. We got her some cool toys so I hope she likes them.

Alison is starting to kiss alot. It's so sweet. You give her a bite of food and in exchange she gives you a kiss ;) She saw her reflection in the refigerator the other day and I guess she thought she looked like she deserved a kiss because she leaned into the girl on the fridge door and gave herself a kiss!!! It was soooo cute!!!

Alison sure does love her squeaky shoes too! She brings them to us and wants us to put them on her. She'll then get down and run around squeaking her little feet and just grinning!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Been a while again!!

Okay, so it's been a while..again since I've posted!!
There are always new things with Alison to post. It's amazing to me how much they learn so quickly!
Alison has figured out a tricky way to get toys back from her cousin Landon when he steals them from her. She simply gets another toy, takes it over to him and he snatches it since he thinks she wants it and drops her original toy of which she picks up and walks off all smug!
Ali has also learned a new laugh that she thinks is pretty darn funny. She breathes in heavy while making a funyn noise. It's pretty cute. ;) (isn't everything she does just too cute?)
She loves her squeaky shoes and will stomp whenever you put shoes on her so that she can see if they squeak or not.
We went to her BFF's house last weekend and Ali had such a good time. They climbed into a milk crate together and then got stuck. Too cute!

I'll try to post more often. It's hectic around here....