Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ali is napping so I thought I would blog

Alijean is upstairs taking a nap... I plan to take on soon too. Having a very blah day. No's raining and I have a headache (getting better though ;) )
There is not a whole lot going on to blog about. Ali is growing and learning like crazy. she is in the "I want to be naked stage" and it not potty trained yet so that is fairly trying. She has also decided she likes to mimic me in a smarty pants tone if I tell her to do something. Little stinker.
I ran a 5K yesterday... I haven't ran in 6 weeks so I am a bit sore today! My lungs and heart were fine, legs felt great afterwards but they started cramping for some reason. Well, today I'm sore. I guess that shows me that I need to get off my butt a little more often!
Recently a very good friend of mine lost her daughter. I still cry often for them. It is so heartbreaking and I just don't know what on earth I can do for her. I am being there as best as I know how to, but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing right for her. I have never been through anything like what she is going through and have no idea the feelings she is going through. I just don't understand why these things have to happen.... especially to people like her. I hope people can all pray for her and her family for strength and healing. I know she will survive this, she is a very strong woman, but in the meantime I know there is a lot of pain. I also pray for her that she can conceive again, quickly, and with no problems. *sigh* I know Isabelle will be in her heart forever... and she will be in mine also.....

And not to leave out me... I am 9wks 6dys pregnant as of today. I am feeling pretty good now. I have been trying to find heartbeat on doppler and have not yet been able too. I am very excited to hear it so I hope I find it soon. I am due April 19th and will try to post with any updates I might have. And yes, we are going to make everyone wait until April to find out the sex of the baby. And the name. ;)

I hope everyone has a good day.....

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