Monday, September 15, 2008


So, on Friday Alison took two steps! It was an accident, she wasn't trying, but she did it!! Grandma had some macaroni and cheese that Ali wanted more of so I was holding her hands so she could walk and I let go and she kept going for two steps before she realized I let go and she fell down. she might not of falled down except Grandma and Mommy bothed screamed in excitement over her first steps that we kind of freaked her out!! She hasn't done it again but I'm sure she will soon!!

Our trip to the zoo Saturday went great!! The weather held out and we had no rain at all!! Both sets of Grandparents were there along with some friends and some other family members. Alison took a little nap so she missed out on a few things but that's okay, she's got lots of zoo time left in her life ;) We got to pet the sharks (AliJ did not pet the sharks, but she looked at them anyway).

Nothing else real exciting has been going on. Just the normal stuff. I have an event again this coming weekend with Discovery toys and I am debating whether I want to work the next weekend or not. I think I need to take the weekend off and get some stuff done around the house and spend some good quality time with Alijean. Of course when I'm gone, she gets good time with Daddy, so it's not a total bad thing. I need to make her some more food, she is running low. I am trying to come up with new stuff for her eat so she's not eating the same old boring stuff day after day. Yesterday I made her brown rice with squash.....we'll see how that goes over!

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