Friday, September 26, 2008

Nothing too exciting to report

Nothing real exciting to report today.

Alison is still a bit weary of this whole standing and walking thing so we've gotten no further than we were 2 weeks ago. But that is okay ;) She will walk in her own time and THEN I can put dresses on her cute little butt ;)

The holidays are fast approaching. AND I cannot believe my little girl is going to be a whole year old already. Where did it go? I can barely remmeber just a few months ago, let alone remember much of when she was a newborn. Everyone told me that it would fly and to enjoy it while it lasted...and not that I didn't believe them but I never imagined it could go this quickly. And how being so sleep deprived makes you forget most of it. I did do a bit of journaling, but there is alot more stuff I want to write down. Maybe I'll take the time this weekend and get some of that done. I have "milestones" and interesting tidbits to add to her calendar so I better do that before I forget them.

Biggest Loser here at work is going well. I have lost 10.5 pounds to date (it started 3 weeks ago) so I am halfway to my goal of 20. I'll set another small goal once the first 20 is off ;)

Monday, September 15, 2008


So, on Friday Alison took two steps! It was an accident, she wasn't trying, but she did it!! Grandma had some macaroni and cheese that Ali wanted more of so I was holding her hands so she could walk and I let go and she kept going for two steps before she realized I let go and she fell down. she might not of falled down except Grandma and Mommy bothed screamed in excitement over her first steps that we kind of freaked her out!! She hasn't done it again but I'm sure she will soon!!

Our trip to the zoo Saturday went great!! The weather held out and we had no rain at all!! Both sets of Grandparents were there along with some friends and some other family members. Alison took a little nap so she missed out on a few things but that's okay, she's got lots of zoo time left in her life ;) We got to pet the sharks (AliJ did not pet the sharks, but she looked at them anyway).

Nothing else real exciting has been going on. Just the normal stuff. I have an event again this coming weekend with Discovery toys and I am debating whether I want to work the next weekend or not. I think I need to take the weekend off and get some stuff done around the house and spend some good quality time with Alijean. Of course when I'm gone, she gets good time with Daddy, so it's not a total bad thing. I need to make her some more food, she is running low. I am trying to come up with new stuff for her eat so she's not eating the same old boring stuff day after day. Yesterday I made her brown rice with squash.....we'll see how that goes over!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hump day!

Weather is not looking so hot for Saturday's trip to the zoo :( that makes me sad :( :(

Alison is doing fabulous as usual. She does new, funny things daily now. She never ceases to amaze me!!

I am at work right now, taking a breather. I haven't even seen my boss yet today, which might be a good thing. He's been in a bad mood for a while now.

My diet is going really good so far! I have lost 6 pounds already! I just hope I can keep up the momentum. I know it'll slow here soon but the longer they pounds just drop off, the better! LOL I am going walking tonight with my friend Mindy from here at work and her baby Isabella (who took her first steps yesterday at not quite 9 months old!) I think I will be getting ..... no I won't, I forget they closed the one in the mall. I wanted a chic fil a chargrilled sandwich because they are not all that unhealthy but we'll be at the mall and chic fil a was being redone last time I was in there.

well, that is all, I just wanted to pop on for a quick hello!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

what a weekend!

This has been an interesting weekend. I was excited about my first demo today for Discovery Toys and the only people that showed were the hostess and her sister...and me. SO, not one single solitary sale happened :( I mean, no biggie, but I was excited. Oh well...on to the next demo. Maybe it will go better.
I did an event with Discovery Toys Saturday afternoon (Penrod Art Festival) and I actually signed a consultant so that was exciting! She is my first one!! You win some, you lose some.

Alison is just so precious. :( I hate Sundays because I know I have to go back to work the next day. I hate missing any time with her because I know I can never get it back. I know it's good for her to be away from momma sometimes and probably good for me too but Sundays are just no fun.

Well, this coming Saturday is zoo day....I'm quite excited! I hope the weather is nice and doesn't rain. I want AliJ to see all the animals!! I'll post some pics after we go. Then I have another demo on again...wish me luck!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Foul Mood

So, for whatever reason, I am in a FOUL mood today! I hate days like this. I'm hoping that once the morning passes and more people show up here at work that my mood will improve. Not sure what is wrong, I'm just annoyed!!!

Alison waved bye bye this morning to her daddy and she even tried to say bye bye! How cute. I wish I could have seen it. She has also taken to shaking her head no..which is so stinkin cute because her whole little body shakes along with it! I *think* she is trying to say binky now too. It's not real clear but it seems as though she is trying to say it.

Tonight we are going out for hot wings for Ben's birthday. Don't know yet which wing place we will go to but we'll go somewhere. It should be trying to eat wings and take care of Ali at the same time.... I suppose I'll figure it out... I always do. Of course biggest loser starts today so I'll be starting off cheating!! Mindy is in biggest loser too and she is going with us so I guess we'll be cheating together!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

just a quick note

Just a quick hello! there is nothing real exciting going on. Still waiting on those next teeth to finally break through so they'll stop bothering Ali. She's been rubbing her ear again and not sleeping well so I can only assume that her teeth are bothering her again.
I'm a mean mean mommy...I let her fall yesterday and smack her head HARD on the linoleum floor :( she cried and I felt sooo terrible! I let her stay up a little late from bed to make up for it.
I had to wait on mom this morning because Ben wasn't home to stay with Ali.... well Ali got up at 5 and then again at 6 so I got to see her before work. It makes leaving for work so stinkin hard when she is awake!! I looooove to see her before work but it makes me miss her that much more! she's a little piggy too...she nursed at 5 and at 6 and then when mom got there she had a bottle! oink oink!

Biggest Loser starts here at work tomorrow. It runs for 8 weeks this time and I intend to win. I didn't do very good last time (I got like 6th place so not that shabby actually) anyway, I did good at the beginning and then I lost steam. however, I plan on winning and getting my cholesterol down SO, those in Fort Wayne, the next time you see me there will hopefully be less to see!!!

I better get some work done now....will chat again soon I'm sure ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So, Wednesday AliJ woke up with a fever. It ended up not going away until Saturday afternoon. She is taking a while to get back to her happy, smiling normal self. She is getting there, but slowly. She got a light rash starting yesterday but it's not too bad. I'm just hoping she gets back to being herself!! She is also SOOOO close to breaking through those top 4 teeth. I wish they would just come through already!! I know they are bothering her :(

I had 4 days off of work and man was it nice!! I got some rest...Ali actually slept in late for me. Until 8:00!!! Being that I usually get up at 4:30 every morning, 8 was heaven!!

So, something I'm not real clear on..... do I still have a temper? I really thought I was doing good keeping any anger at bay. Even times when I think I *should* be really mad or upset about things, I just don't get mad like I used to, or even at all really. So, why is it that lately it's been brought up? hmmm, maybe I was wrong and I'm still a crazed lunatic??

This weekend is my first actual in home demo for Discovery Toys. Looking forward to that! I have also a Discovery Toys event to do Saturday... that will be about 4 hours but it should be fun. I enjoy watching the kids play cause they have fun!
then next weekend is the zoo!!! yiippeeeee! I'm excited about that one!

Off to work, I might blog more later though...we'll see how the day goes!